Monday, 28 October 2019

Genetic footprint and forensic evidence

Genetic identification:

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules contain the information that all living cells in the human body need to functionIt also controls the inheritance of parents' qualities to their childrenWith the exception of real twins, each person has their own genetic markers, which makes fingerprint sampling useful in detecting perpetrators, identifying disaster victims and finding missing persons.

The role of genetic fingerprints in detecting crimes:

Genetic fingerprints can play a crucial role in detecting perpetrators, as they allow linking chains of crime and / or determining the presence of a suspect at the crime sceneEqually important, genetic fingerprints can help prove a suspect's innocence.
The first step to obtaining DNA fingerprints for comparison is to take crime scene samples and reference samples from suspectsSamples are usually taken from blood, hair or body fluidsAdvances in genetic fingerprinting techniques allow sampling of the simplest trace found at the crime sceneThe sample is analyzed using forensic science to obtain a genetic fingerprint comparable to other genetic markers within the databaseThis allows for matches that may indicate previously unknown links between a crime scene or person and a crime scene or person and another.

INTERPOL Genetic Fingerprint Database:

Police in member countries can transmit these genetic fingerprints from perpetrators, crime scenes, missing persons and unidentified bodies to INTERPOL's databaseThis database, known as the Genetic Fingerprint Portal, was created in 2002 and contained only one file of genetic fingerprintsHowever, by the end of 2012, the database had more than 136,000 genetic fingerprints sent from 67 member countriesContributing member countries persist in using the DNA database as a means of action in their criminal investigations, which periodically reveals potential matches between genetic fingerprints from member countries - and during 2012, member country investigations led to 84 international matches.
Member countries have access to the database through INTERPOL's global police communications system I-24/7 and, upon request, can also extend access to the database beyond national central offices to include forensic centers and laboratories in member countries.

INTERPOL is merely a channel for exchanging and comparing information in this areaFAO does not maintain any nominal data that would allow DNA to be linked to a personGenetic fingerprints are simply a list of numbers that are identified based on a person's DNA model and give a digital code that can be used to distinguish between peopleThis fingerprint does not include any information on the physical or psychological fingerprint of a person, his illnesses or his susceptibility to illnessMember countries that use the DNA portal retain ownership of the fingerprint data and control, in accordance with their national laws, their accessibility, access and destruction by other member countries.

Standardization and the establishment of professional ethics and good practices:

INTERPOL calls for the adoption of international standards and technical systems with a view to enhancing the chances of successful international cross-border cooperation and for example:
The DNA portal was developed in accordance with internationally recognized standards to facilitate the electronic transfer of DNA data between INTERPOL and its member countries.
The DNA portal is compliant with the European Union's Broome Convention (an initiative launched in 2005 to simplify information exchange between EU countries) and with the selected criteria for international export of DNA fingerprinting to countries using CODES (a DNA matching program, designed by the FBI).
The G-8 “GPRS” network uses INTERPOL I-24/7 and the standards it has developed on genetic fingerprinting for fingerprinting among G8 member countries.

In addition to the DNA portal, INTERPOL strongly supports the increasing use of DNA in international police investigations through several other activities:
The Monitoring Group of Experts, a body of forensic experts and experienced investigators who provide advice to INTERPOL, encourage authorities in member countries to develop or expand national DNA profiles, and develop standardized standards for DNA collection and accreditation of forensic laboratories to ensure the safety of samples.
The Biennial Investigators Users Conference, which is held every two years and addresses the latest developments in DNA applications and calls for the dissemination of the use of good practices and DNA techniques in criminal investigations.
INTERPOL's regional and national DNA fingerprint workshops are organized to promote and facilitate access to the international exchange of genetic fingerprints through the INTERPOL DNA portal.
A number of sources, published on the INTERPOL website, include a complete handbook on the exchange and use of genetic fingerprints, a comprehensive identification of DNA and a training film.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

What is Digital Marketing?

More recently, for a successful entry into the online market, an Internet entrepreneur had only to order a standard site, create several landing pages using one of the online services , purchase a subscription base (at best, collect), give several advertising posts on social networks and Understand the basics of SEO promotion.

This provided a sufficient level of profit and peace of mind. But in the modern world, everything is changing, almost in a matter of months.
And now, Internet technologies for business are no longer enough, yesterday’s advertising drains the budget, interest of leads quickly fades, one wrong decision and your subscriber base is dead.
At the same time, new digital communication channels with a wide range of opportunities for advancement appear. We move from traditional aggressive advertising campaigns to “native adds” and “earned media”, earning the right to engage in dialogue with people, offering them a truly valuable product.

What is the difference between Digital Marketing and Internet Marketing?

Digital marketing is:
an integrated approach to promoting the company, its products and services in the digital environment, also covering offline consumers using games, mobile phones and other digital communications;
integration of a large number of different technologies (social, mobile, web, CRM-systems, etc.) with sales and customer service;
ensuring constant high-quality two-way communication between the advertiser and the end user of the product / service;
the ability to combine technology and human resources, maintaining the right balance, based on the needs of the target audience and the properties of the proposed product;
phenomenal growth dynamics and the achievement of any marketing goals;
the ability to be relevant to the market, evaluate and analyze the results of promotion, respond flexibly to the needs of leads and adjust your product or service.
Digital-promotion is successfully used in online stores, online training, selling services and products with a long transaction cycle, in MLM and real estate agencies, to promote the brand of large companies and startups.

In short, today, digital technology is a decisive factor in success and advancement in each area of ​​the business, giving undeniable competitive advantages.

Consider the main differences between Internet marketing and digital marketing:

Internet Marketing
Digital marketing
Target Audience
Online sphere
Online + Offline
Distribution channels
Internet feeds
All types of digital channels (Internet, mobile applications, digital advertising, tablets and game consoles, digital TV, etc.)
The target audience
All who have access to the Internet
Everyone who has access to the Internet + attracting an offline audience to the online market
The way to communicate with the audience
E-mail newsletters, landing pages, sites, advertising (search, banner, targeted, contextual), etc.
+ digital television, advertising in online games and mobile applications, instant messengers, interactive screens, POS-terminals, local networks of large cities

7 reasons to pay attention to digital channels of promotion:

you work with a narrow or young (advanced) target audience - use contextual advertising and integration (banners, posts, affiliate projects) with popular portals;
you need to talk more about the brand and product / service so that people see the value and can make a decision about the purchase (especially for new products and services);
the purchase of your product takes place on emotions (clothing, training, souvenirs) or after the test (perfumes, cosmetics, applying for bank services, ordering a home repair specialist);
your budget is limited, and there is no way to go on TV, or your presentation takes a lot of time (when a new car is released, television ads can be duplicated in mobile applications, social networks, in an interactive test drive directly on the company's website, etc.) ;
your strategy includes cumulative discounts, bonuses, points, and you need to constantly engage in dialogue with customers (supermarkets, online stores, etc.);
You strive to keep the buyer through changes in prices, stocks, promotional offers;
brand loyalty is pumped through constant communication, deep involvement through gamification  and receiving feedback from the target audience.
In digital marketing, personalization is of particular importance. At its core, it is a process of understanding the real intentions, desires and needs of a person, as well as the transfer of relevant, targeted and significant experience for this person.

We analyze the user's behavior in a specific period of time, his data (demographic, analytical, etc.) and form a strategy that allows him to easily achieve his goal.

It is important to come to a consistency between the needs (desires) of the user and the strategic business goals of the company, to increase conversion and, at the same time, the degree of involvement and loyalty of the lead.

Digital marketing is part of our daily lives. We communicate, use the search, gain knowledge and have fun on a variety of digital channels.

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